Just ten more matches. That’s it. If you still have ten fingers, you can count the number of matches left on two hands. I don’t know when the “run-in” officially starts, but for me, it very much feels like it starts after this international break.
During this international break, I hope we take this opportunity to buy an obscene amount of bubble wrap and wrap our players between now and when they report back. We have enough injuries, we don’t need anymore. Hire someone to carry Gabriel Jesus around on their back for two weeks. Don’t let him use his knee. Replace Bukayo Saka’s house with a cryotherapy chamber and throw away the key so he doesn’t play with the England squad. Start a GoFundMe, but for body parts so Arsenal fans can contribute knees, backs, and whatever else Arsenal players might need for the end of the season.
Anywho, hope you are all enjoying Antonio Conte reaching the mental breakdown stage of “The Stages of Spurs Management.”
Below are this week’s drawings and video,
Drawings from this week:
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Yay Olive for mastering the off-leash hike! I’m more of a Velma personally -- let me enjoy this nap! I’m not going to let myself dream too much about the league title yet. So much can happen in ten matches. Regardless of the result once all the games are played, I’m proud of this squad. COYG! I’ll need that party in a can if we do win though! 😂
Ah, a win and pet photos. Woo!
Holy shnikes. Ten! Ten matches! I’m thinking of donating a knee, not the best but if it helps us get that trophy, well that’s a good investment.
The Conte meltdown heard/seen around the world. Wow, he’s the first one to actually say it out loud. TOTTENHAM SUUUUUUCKS! and now in Italian QUESTO CLUB FA SCHIFO! AmazIng my high school Italian is still there, I’d like to think my teacher would’ve applauded, pretty sure he supported Roma.